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Discover the Perigesis Story of Geospatial Excellence

Learn about Perigesis and our commitment to geospatial excellence. Explore our journey, expertise, and passion
for transforming data into meaningful insights.

Our history

Periegesis started as a freelancer's Ramiz Sami small business in 2017 who used to build WebGIS applications. With time, the business grew and so did the manpower and finally Periegesis, a webGIS solutions company was born.

Periegesis who we are image
Periegesis what we do description

What do we offer?

We offer a range of services, including the design and development of custom web GIS solutions, the integration of GIS data and functionality into existing web-based applications, the hosting and maintenance of web GIS applications, and the provision of GIS data and other resources.

We also offer training and support services to help our clients get the most out of the GIS solutions we build. We also offer consulting services to help our clients with their geospatial problems.